His drugs of choice: Triathlons. Marathons. 5k's. Long Bike Rides. Dualathlons. ETC.
So, you can imagine how happy he is every year when his pride and joy and mine gets to participate in our local YMCA's Superkidz triathlon.
Last week, George took SJ to get her some rockin' new Saucony Tennis shoes (because that is what he wears) and a new swimsuit. They have been getting ready for this for quite some time now. After talking about this everyday for what seems like months...
FINALLY today was the Day.
Here are a few pics of The Big Event!
Here is Sarah Jane getting a pep talk from her Daddy...
Way to Go Sarah Jane, We are so proud of you! As long as you live, you'll always be able to do anything you put your mind to... why? Because You're a Triathlete.
That made me cry! I need medication! Way to go Sarah Jane! We're proud of you too!
You got some great shots of Sarah Jane.
So proud of her!
Wow - you go Sarah Jane! Impressive!
You have received the Meme Award! Be sure to stop by my page to claim it!
I must say that the photos on your blog are great! :)
That was awesome!!! Way to go SJ!!
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