Really?! THREE months? In my head that's quite a milestone, I mean - he's 1/4 of the way to being a year old!
He's so much fun - and he is such a calm and unbelievably happy baby boy. He still sleeps in our room at night. Just this last week though, he has moved from his Moses Basket to his cradle (he was too big for the MB!) - On a good night, we get a 7 hour streak of sleep, then he wakes up and then we get another 3 hours or so. Not bad, huh? And even though he hasn't actually slept in his bed yet other than a few naps here and there, He loves to lay in his bed and look at his mobile. He has so much fun trying to reach those trains!As far as his weigh goes, Raleigh weighs in at a whopping SIXTEEN pounds! That is almost double his birth weight. He is still breastfeeding wonderfully, but over the past 2 weeks I have started to give him a 3-4 oz. formula bottle every other day. The doctor wants to me try him on cereal, but I don't think we're ready for that quite yet. When SJ was his age, she weighed exactly the same thing that he does! Speaking of SJ, she is in LOVE with her brother still and she is such a big help. She never complains when I ask her to bring me things and she always wants to hold him (on the couch with blankets and pillows all around, she isn't actually allowed to carry him so don't freak out!) so I can get a few things done:He absolutely loves George - and will just "talk" and "talk" to him when he gets home. I love all those little baby noises he makes - His face literally lights up when he see him:Raleigh can now sit up in his bumbo seat, hit at the dangly things on his floor gym and make the lights go crazy on his kick and play bouncer. He still LOVES his passy and he is quite fond of satin blankets. He likes to play what we call "the nose game" -- where you touch his nose and then your nose and say "Mommy's Nose, Raleigh's Nose" ... it gets a laugh every time. He loves to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Jesus Loves Me." All of his 0-3 mo. clothes and shoes are too small and are in the process of being packed up -- and I love his clothes so that makes me sad!Bathtime is a fun time at our house - it's like he is amazed by the water! And just tonight, right after bath-time, we laid him on the floor for a little tummy time ...and he ROLLED OVER! I saw it coming and told George to grab the video camera, here's a video of my sweet little man rolling over:
And not to forget about SJ! --- Her Summer has been slammed with fun! We've gone to the beach, the movies tons of times, had sleep-over after sleep-over, spent lots of afternoons at the pool on the zip line, baked lots of yummy treats, and played lots of wii games - this week we're heading back to the beach and even participating in a triathlon, plus we've got a few play dates thrown in there. We're just trying to do everything we can before school starts back in less than a month! I can't believe she is going to be in the 1st grade. My, my, my... where DOES the time go?
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