I dream of one day being completely caught up on all my pictures; complete with scrapbooks made and albums shelved in order from then to now.
I dream of one day completely sticking to our budget; complete with eating every single meal at home and never stopping for ice cream, even if they are buy one get one free at Sonic.
I dream of one day cooking an entire meal from scratch; complete with homemade crust on my chicken pot pie and freshly peeled peaches in my cobbler.
I dream of all of the laundry being done and put away; complete with last season's and next season's stored properly in their places.
I dream of my children coming home everyday to warm cookies and milk; complete with icing and sprinkles and swirls of chocolate.
I dream of being the perfect Christian; complete with never judging people, absolute forgiveness, and constant praise.
I dream of a bubble bath; complete with jets, and candles, and music.
I dream of a perfectly manicured lawn; complete with beautiful potted flowering plants on our front porch and perfectly edged sidewalks.
I dream on having a great blog; complete with daily updates, a custom layout, and ways of witty writing.
I dream of an immaculately decorated home; complete with original paintings, lovely flower arrangements and beautiful hardwood floors.
I dream of getting ready to go somewhere; complete with a long relaxing shower, time to straighten and curl my hair, time to put on my make-up and decide what to wear.
I dream of a night alone with my husband.
I dream of a family vacation where everyone gets to do everything they've ever dreamed of; complete with dolphin swimming, shopping 'til you drop, or simply sleeping in every day.
I dream of being the perfect wife; complete with constant encouragement, laying out his clothes, and even an occasional footrub and pat on the back.
I dream of being organized; complete with things sorted in color coordinated tupperware boxes, shoes paired side by side, and yes... even labels.
I dream of always knowing just what to say; complete with answers to questions like Why do people have to die? How did that baby get in your tummy? or Why does God let people be homeless?
I dream of lemonade; complete with freshly squeezed lemons, ice and a fancy-schmancy glass.
I dream of a beautifully set dinner table for my made from scratch meal; complete with silverware in the correct places (knife and spoon on the right, fork on the left), matching placemats, and cloth napkins.
I do have some really nice dreams, don't I? But with Raleigh around, I don't get much sleep - so, most of these dreams aren't fulfilled.... yet. (yeah, right - like they ever will be!) --- BUT, we did make cookies from scratch today and played a few games on the wii. Our life is definitely crazy, but when I take a step back and look at the family that we've made and the life we live - reality is WAY better than my dreams could ever be.
...and for those of you who need it, here's your baby fix:
Happy Monday, Everybody!
Oh...me too.... but if I'm honest, I gotta ask WHy?! Why is it SO important to me to do all those things? :) I'm dreaming with ya
I'm in love with this picture!
And about this post.. The ironic thing.. I dream of being able to sit down and enjoy these days with my children in spite of a mess... A dream I haven't yet brought into fruition and time to do that is quickly passing by.. And you know what's becoming more and more clear to me as Chloe approaches the point where she's too big to lay on my chest? For the rest of my life, I'll be dreaming about how it felt to hold them in my arms.. HOLD HIM!!!
I've already told you I love that picture, but I will tell you again! I LOVE IT! You have looked so beautiful in your pictures lately. I mean, you were always pretty, but I was telling Rob the other day that you seem even more so lately! Maybe no sleep is a good thing for you, but I personally think your new complete little family is giving you a "happy glow".
PS - Hardwood floors mean more sweeping, made-from-scratch meals mean messy kitchens, and people who have so much stuff they need a million tupperware boxes end up on Hoarders! :)
Jay, I think you are such a good writer! And you look gorgeous- that picture with Raleigh is definitely frame worthy! :-)
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