I feel like I am SO behind on this blogging thing - it might have something to do with my little rolie-polie-olie! It's a full time job keeping up with him! ---and between him, and my actual job... plus my SJ's school/dance/girl scouts/homework and just life in general, the blog tends get neglected. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon! But, until then... here is a brief recap of the last Month of our lives!
Here is my Raleigh man on September 11th at the flag field:
Last week, Raleigh was sitting in his bouncy chair playing with a few toys and watching a little Baby Einstein... or so I thought. I was working on pictures and had the music turned on from my computer... and I felt the little guy touch my leg! He turned over, slid out of his bouncer, and rolled across the floor to me! ---so, I felt like it was probably a good idea to introduce some new toys to him! He seemed to like them!:

Raleigh is also a VERY big fan of bath-time, but he is too big for his sink tub... and not big enough for the big bath yet:
A few weeks ago, we got to load up the kiddos and make the trek to Nashville, TN to see my family --- this was a great trip!! It was great for lots of reasons, but it was really a special trip because we were there for my sister's wedding!
Here is a picture of George and I at the rehearsal (I don't know why it's yellow...):
I got to be formally introduced to my niece's fiance' --- and I have to say, I'm diggin' him --- and my new great niece that comes with him!
Raleigh loved getting to spend time with his TN family --- I hate that we don't get to spend more time with them. I really feel like he is missing out on ALOT!! Here's Raleigh and Aunt LaDawn, and also him and his Memaw (my sweet momma):

This was at the rehearsal, but I just LOVE the look on my sister's face in this picture:
Sarah Jane was particularly excited to go to the wedding because she got to be the Flower Girl!
My Beautiful sister:

This is a picture of my WHOLE family (minus one brother and his family) -- I can't even tell you how much I love these guys:
Also, it's Football Season... so every Saturday we'll be tuning in to watch the GA Bulldawgs play football --- it seems easy, but it obviously is alot of work:

SJ has been loving the first grade! I can't believe how different 1st grade is from K! It's defnitely not a breeze! SJ has homework everyday... 2-3 pages, plus she is reading 3-4 AR books a week and taking 3-4 AR tests a week... plus spelling tests, math tests etc. So far... ALL 100's!! That's my girl. It also really helps that she has a FANTASTIC teacher --- her teacher is a HUGE blessing and we couldn't be any happier with her. It's like she was hand-picked by God for my SJ!
SJ is also taking Ballet and Tap this year 2 days a week - she is really loving it... and we are doing Girl Scouts again! Yep... she keeps us busy!
Speaking of busy... Click Photography has taken off recently, more than I could have ever imagined! It's such a blessing to be so busy--- and I am loving every minute of it! We've got pumpkin patch pictures coming up soon --- Here's Raleigh-bug's Pumpkin patch photo:
I think that about sums it up for us this last month --- we have a crazy-busy, absolutely wild and crazy, fun time and I wouldn't change a minute of it... well, maybe I would get Raleigh sleeping through the night, but other than that -- Life is good at the Houston house! :) Happy (almost) Fall, Y'all!
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