Almost 3 weeks after Sarah Jane was born, we took her to church. At the time, there was a fairly small young adults group there. We typically all went out to lunch afterwards. This particular Sunday, we chose Cracker Barrel. As a brand new mommy, I was overly cautious... Janey-bug was all snuggled up in her blanket... buckled in her carrier... The visor was up... and we were going to go to lunch with our friends. This was out first trip to a restaurant with her. Well, the waitress did a really good job getting the drinks and taking our orders... and then she brought out the biscuits... I had just put the visor down on her carrier... and I am not really sure what happened from there, the waitress just lost control of the plate. Biscuits went everywhere... the table, the floor... and you guessed it, right onto my precious little newborn baby's face. I think about it every time I get biscuits at Crack Barrel... but I PROMISE that this is not my secret. :)
That is hillariuos! I will never forget your face when that happened. It's fun to look back and laugh now, but no one was laughing then. Not on the outside at least! I didn't remember that it was the first time she was out in public. Yikes!
oh my! I can only imagine how I went over..
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