We just got back from our family vacation on Hilton Head Island, SC. Typically, we would go to the Gulf, but I got scared of the Oil Spill and moved our trip to HHI about a month ago. I can't say which one I like better, because they are totally different, but I did have a great time!
This is going to be one of those posts that probably won't interest anyone except family - but i wanted to go ahead and get our vacay documented before I forgot anything!
We got to the Island on Saturday. It took us about an hour to unload our cars... it's hard work packing for a 3 month old! Once we finally got everything out, I headed to the grocery store with my MIL where we loaded up on food for the week. After unpacking and stocking up on food, we didn't have alot of time left in the day, but we did manage to get to Cold Stone Creamery for some GREAT Ice cream! Here's Raleigh in his carseat ready to get some Ice Cream (don't freak, I didn't actually give him ice cream...):<>
The Next day, we spent our day in Sea Pines. They have a great lighthouse that George wanted to check out. (I am petrified of heights!) I was so proud of myself for not only making it to the top, but having the guts to walk on the edge. Here we are at the top!:
George said that this is the golf course that he use to play when he played some golfing game on his Playstation, I don't know anything about it - but he was very impressed:
We spent LOTS of time on the beach. In HHI, the beach is alot different. People ride bikes on the beach, the tide goes in and out and the sand is alot harder, but it's perfect for Sandcastles. One of George and SJ's favorite things to do on the beach was to hunt for starfish and sand-dollars. They must have caught 10 starfish and who knows how many sand-dollars! They were giving them away. I've never seen anything like it, it was awesome!:
George thought the starfish were pretty cool (ha!)... he's going to love me for posting this here:
On Monday, some good friends drove over and stayed on the Island for a few days - It was SO good to see them!! Here is Dana when she met Raleigh:
The Girls had fun playing on the beach ... I didn't get any pictures, but at night we went out on the beach with flashlights. The original plan was to catch ghost crabs, but instead we caught tiny little fish! It was so fun!!
Dana happens to be a super talented photographer, so while they were there - we had some time to take some family pictures for each other.
I love this family picture of us - we've lived in our house for almost 5 years and I've not hung a single picture of our family up in our room yet - This is THE ONE I've been waiting for. Thanks SO much Dana!
I also drug SJ out on the beach to try to get her 6 year pictures, I am still trying to pick which one to go with... I'll do a 6 yr. post about them later.
While we were out on the beach, Raleigh got pretty sleepy, but SJ still wanted her picture made with him. This is what I got - I love this picture, it's definitely a keeper.
We spent wednesday shopping, going out to eat and hanging out on the beach. Thursday we had LOTS of fun at Lawson Stables in Sea Pines. Sarah Jane is an animal lover, so this was right up her ally.
She even got to ride on a pony!
Raleigh got to get in the pool for the first time on our vacation, George's camera battery was dead when we got to the pool - but I managed to snap a picture of him in his swimsuit before we headed down:
One day that we were there, they are all running together..., we went on a sunset dolphin cruise. George makes fun of me - but I LOVE dolphins. It's kind of sad, I love them like an 11 yr. old girl loves them... This was a BLAST to me. I didn't get any pictures of them because I was way too lost in the moment, but we must have seen 15 of them - it was GREAT!
My MIL even came with us on the boat. Here she is looking for dolphins with SJ:
We watched the BEAUTIFUL Sunset on the Marsh from the boat:
This is random, but one of the coolest things was this Delorian with the tag that read DATAONE.
June was kind enough to babysit the kiddos for George and I one night for us to go on a date night. We went to a restaurant called Truffles Cafe and it was FANTASTIC. If you're ever in HHI, I highly recomend it. Try the Parmesan Grouper! After dinner, George took me to frontrow seats at local Comedy Club. I'd never been to a comedy club, so I loved it. The guy was SO funny!
On our last night there, we went to Dinner at The Old Oyster Factory... I had read lots of great things about it, but I was still suprised at how good it was! I ordered the blackened swordfish and shrimp with a pineapple/mango salsa. It was SO good!
Here's my and my hunny leaving the restaurant, the Marshes in HHI are beautiful!

I love this family picture of us - we've lived in our house for almost 5 years and I've not hung a single picture of our family up in our room yet - This is THE ONE I've been waiting for. Thanks SO much Dana!

There are lots of things to do on Hilton Head, although just driving through there you would never know it. Everything is hidden by trees and all the buildings are painted the same color. I'm serious - they are ALL tan and brown, even Burger King and Wal-Mart. None of the Signs are more than 4 feet tall and there are no billboards. You can't see any of the businesses from the street. My only tip would be research what all there is to do in Hilton Head before you go or you will be lost when you get there. Hilton Head's Facebook Page was a HUGE help to me in palnning our vacation - as were the brochures that were available at the rental agency that we used.
We had a blast on our trip!!
It interests me! But I count as family anyway don't I :) It was a blast!
We love ya'll!
Great pictures! Looks like you had a fabulous time! Thanks for linking up to Fabulous Friday Follow!
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