Usually throughout the day I can get pretty tired. I'm 3cm. dilated and fully affaced and techinically I am supposed to be "off my feet"... but nothing was keeping me from her this week. Last Sunday, I said to myself that I was going to make it happen - and we made it happen together!
I'm sorry if I am about to bore you with the details of our week, but this post really isn't for anyone but me. Our life is about to get really crazy around here and I don't want to forget anything about the fun we had. From time to time, I come back here and read old posts and I go right back to those places in my mind - 20 years from now, I'll still go back to this past week with my Janey Girl.
After a quick trip to the doctor on Monday, we had a girly lunch date with some friends and walked through the Pet Store at the Mall. Sarah Jane is a money saver, unlike me, and she will save every penny that she has until she finds something that she can't live without. She has decided that she can't live without a hamster... Too bad her Daddy thinks that she can. We just had baby kittens around here, so George told her that we would re-assess this hamster situation when the kittens were big enough to get to new homes. She has not forgotten... she talks about this Hamster everyday (and has already named him Marcy).
Speaking of animal names... she has named the kittens too... Tom, Johnny, Shirley, and Hannah. LOL
On Tuesday we met George for lunch and then the two of us went to the movies and saw Miss Miley Cyrus' new movie, "The Last Song" --- and I have to say that in my opinion, she didn't really do a bad job with it... but then again, she didn't actually sing (other than one scene in the car) in it. Sarah Jane didn't mean to, but she held my hand the whole movie. That night, the fam went to Bruster's for Ice Cream. I really tried to take that in, knowing that we won't be able to go and do that again for a while and it's one of Sarah Jane's favorite things to do.
Wednesday, we met some girlfriends and their kiddos for lunch at BK and then headed to the Strawberry Patch to get our fill of Strawberries. Sarah Jane really enjoyed picking the strawberries... but not so much looking for them. There were lots of green ones still since it's the beginning of the season. After we got back from the strawberry patch, we went to putt putt with SJ's cousins that were in town... we had a fun night riding bumper boats, go karts, and playing Laser tag. Oh, and by "we" I mean the kids and George. :) But I had fun watching their little smiling faces.
Thursday we loaded up the car and headed to Macon where we had a fun little overnight trip to visit with Our Friends Dana, Emma, and Chloe. They had fun playing in the pool, dressing up, watching movies and coloring... while the Mommies had some much needed, for me anyway, girl time just talking about life!
Friday, we headed back to Albany and spent most of the day at home relaxing. That night, we went to Turtle Grove park downtown and out to dinner with friends. Sarah Jane decided at dinner that she was big enough to spend the night with Dee (who has been trying to talk her into it for years...) so she loaded up and rode home with them. I was fully expecting to have to pick her up... but, once again, she proved to me that she needs me a little less everyday these days. She had a blast at the Henderson's though and even got to show them her mad skills on the Wii by beating them at Sword Fighting.
Saturday, we had a family lunch at Chick-Fil-A before Sarah Jane and I headed off to get pedicures. Sarah Jane was super impressed with the pedicures and said that she had never had a "real, stick your feet in the hot water pedicure" before. She opted for bright blue nails and toes with a glitter overlay and then she had some fancy flowers painted on her big toes and thumbs... mercy. Later that day, George's brother's family came to town... the kiddos played and played and then we had a big dinner before they went home.
This morning, it's pretty quiet around here... I can't say that I like it, because I really don't. I miss her when she's gone. I love the independent person that she is becoming, but I miss the little girl that thought butterfly kisses were cool.
As this next stage in our lives rapidly approaches, I am not really sure what to expect or how much things are about to change. But I do know, that no matter what - I loved her first.
So here's to our little family of three... and new memories in the making for our soon to be family of four.
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