

George and I went to a Christmas party last night with our church. During the party, some brave young people kept the kiddos --- They were just hanging out, watching movies when Sarah Jane decided that it was time for the tooth to COME OUT. So, she said that while she was watching the movie... she just twisted and twisted it until that tooth had enough. :) I hate that I missed the moment but look at that little grin! She was so proud that she had done it herself.
I guess now The Tooth Fairy has another tooth to add to her castle and my Janey girl won't be eating corn on the cob for a while.


George Houston said...

that's a good picture!

Dan said...

...and so the independence begins. Or maybe it has already begun. Hopefully, she won't get any more independent until, um, about 35 years old. :-)

What a sweetheart.

Ron said...

Too cute...
So....how much do tooth ferries give out now-a-days?

Dana said...

So cute!