
So we went...

My "Big" Girl

She likes to "Strike A Pose"

Sarah Jane and Mo-Mo's First day of School

When did she get this big???

I can't believe how BIG she is

Playing on the Computer with Ms. Susie

Checking out the Housekeeping Center's Goods.

Look at this face. She was trying to smile, but She was a little nervous. :(

On the way in!

She was a bit tired of pictures :)

I can't believe that my little one started her first day of her big girl school today. It's a little bittersweet. She was fine, she did great! --- I did awful. I cried all the way to work. But she loves it, and she has a great teacher and I know that she is going to be fine. I am excited about this new big step in our lives. :)

Quote of the day: Last night I was a little girl... but today, I'm big.

1 comment:

Dana said...

We did it too :(. Wow, time flies when you're having fun. Love you!