
Dana told me I needed to update.

I totally stole this picture of of George's blog, but I LOVE it.
Janey-bug, 4 1/2
I have about 3 blogs waiting in the wings to be published, but I have to sit down and upload pictures first. So this stolen picture and slight update will have to do.
I am going on a month and half now at my new job. I love it a little more everyday. The people that I work with are phenomonal and I couldn't ask to just fall into something any easier.
Sarah Jane is at her Daddy's for 2 weeks and three weekends. I have never been away from her for this long, so I am kind of like a fish out of water. I do talk to her on the phone daily, but somehow it just isn't enough. I can't wait to pick her up on Sunday! In the meantime, George has some really really cute videos of her (he is Mr. Video... I am not) on his page so check them out. There is a link on the side of my page.
This weekend I am going to Nashvegas to see my momma... I always get super excited when it is time to go and uber sad when I have to come home. My mom and I have been through a lot, but with the exception of my little one, there is nothing in my life that I am more grateful for than the relationship I now have with my mother. She is truly an amazing woman.
Ghandi said "Be the Change you wanna see in the world." What a spectacular sentence... check out the new links on the side of my page. These people are changing the world. If you know of anymore, please share.
:Today I am thankful for:
The very real possibility of a Happy Future
and the fact that Janey is home in less than a week.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Thanks :). I bought a new camera lens today. It should be here in two days!
Hope to see you soon!

Love you!